Website Optimization

PageSpeed Score

Criteria Meet Specification

Critical Rendering Path

index.html achieves a PageSpeed score of at least 90 for Mobile and Desktop.

Getting Rid of Jank

Criteria Meet Specification

Frame Rate

Optimizations made to views/js/main.js make views/pizza.html render with a consistent frame-rate at 60fps when scrolling.

Computational Efficiency

Time to resize pizzas is less than 5 ms using the pizza size slider on the views/pizza.html page. Resize time is shown in the browser developer tools.


Criteria Meet Specification


A README file is included detailing all steps required to successfully run the application and outlines the optimizations that the student made in index.html and views/js/main.js for pizza.html.


Comments in views/js/main.js for pizza.html are present and effectively explain longer code procedures.

Tips to make your project standout:

Research, identify and use build tools (For example: Gulp - see Web Tooling and Automation) to automatically perform optimizations such as minification of CSS and JS and image optimizations. If build tools are implemented, include the package.json and js files as well as both the source and the destination directories in the submission. If build tools are used, the code in the dist folder will be evaluated, so be sure the dist folder contains a working, post-task-runner, version of the project. All steps necessary to download, configure and implement the task runner on the reviewer's desktop should be included in the file.